After a few months in the job, i was approached by my Poly friend and Army friend to support them in their new career, the insurance sector.
That was when I am exposed to investment link products.
Is my bad for not doing enough research before signing the policy.
It took me around 10 long years to gain the knowledge to surrender the policy in profit instead of a loss.
Even if we really want to help people around us, never bite more then what we can chew.
I have a total of 3 Investment Link Policies.
Two of the Investment Link Policies mange to makes $1000+ profit each from losses.
Two of the Investment Link Policies mange to makes $1000+ profit each from losses.
The CPF Investment Link Policies makes $9520.77/- profit.

The tricky part is:
1. You must surrender the policy by being physically there if you want the surrender process to be completed asap. The key word is ASAP.
2. When you surrender the policy with your Q number called before 2pm, the exit price will be TODAY Price which YOU or THEY have no idea is how much.
You can only estimate from the updated price as a gauge to your exit price.
3. When you surrender the policy with your Q number called after 2pm, the exit price will be the Next Working Day Price and if it happens to be a Saturday, you will be taking Tuesday Price.
The above 3 points was what was explained to me.
It might not be accurate and it was never intended to create any unrest between any parties.
Always consult the authorised agent you are claiming from for the more precise information.

So what do we do if we are now holding on to an Investment Link Policy?
There are no right or wrong answer.
We might have to wait for the right time to get out in profit. I waited for 10 years.
Will the right time ever arrive?
No one can give you an answer but you are able to switch the fund which are not performing well.
You have to make your own decision whether the policy you are holding still serve a good purpose in your future and whether you are able to continue your premium without default.
Secure yourself Safely Everyone!
We might have to wait for the right time to get out in profit. I waited for 10 years.
Will the right time ever arrive?
No one can give you an answer but you are able to switch the fund which are not performing well.
You have to make your own decision whether the policy you are holding still serve a good purpose in your future and whether you are able to continue your premium without default.
Secure yourself Safely Everyone!
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